We pay for your opinions! $$$$$$$$$$

                Free Money   



This page is dedicated to making easy money on the internet while doing things that you usually would do.  In one form or another, they all involve looking at advertisements.


Here is a little info about me.


The Different Programs

The Program

What it's all about How easy is it (1-10 10 being the easiest)
AllAdvantage.com You begin by downloading a ad bar that is displayed at the bottom of your screen.  You begin earning money when you are surfing the web.  You can use the web browser of your choice.  You get paid $0.50 an hour.  There are also incentives for getting other people to join. 10
SendMoreInfo.com To begin on this program, you choose certain interest categories.  They send you emails from advertisers in these categories.  You get paid $0.05 and email.  There are incentives in this program also.  Right now the emails are coming pretty slow, but the pace is picking up. 9
GotoWorld.com This one operates much like AllAdvantage.com, but you must use their web browser.  They pay a little less, at $0.40 an hour, but they also allow for more hours a month. 8
MyPoints In this program, you don't earn money.  Instead, you earn points which act like money.  You can earn points by taking surveys, joining programs, visiting web sites, and purchasing products and services.  The points you earn can be used to purchase selected items online. 5
CyberGold This program is very similar to MyPoints.  There are two main differences.  For the most part, you can not earn money by visiting websites.  Also, instead of earning points, you earn cash that can be deposited in your bank account or credited to your credit card. 5


This is next program does not earn you any money, but it does earn money to send food to starving people.  All you have to do is click on a button, and it shows you the sponsors.  That's all you have to do.

The Hunger Site

You are visitor number


If you have any comments, suggestions, or any other programs that you know of email me at [email protected]